Saturday, September 16, 2006


For those of you who keep asking me about NightDogs.

Night Dogs are a group of people who experince therian syndrome.Basically what it is we have werecreature instincts.Like some people have a surge of energy from the moon,some get hightened aggressive manners.People experience food cravings,even forraw meat and blood .Its more to it than this. I wil not explain it all to you ,because people have mixed emotions about us.Some people want to hurt us,some want to expose us for their own selfish game. We have a club and some other private groups. We offer support and we offer an intrests to those who are curious of us. I am a spokes person for a couple of groups. And yes there are members around the world. How did we come about this discovery, well its been around for years. We have a finding out of Africa. The legend is a tribe from africa prayed to a god for protection and for help to find food. Well the god sent a spirit in the form of a man that was half dog and human.This man protected the people from other animals and enemies.Legend goes that this man married several weoman and had children.The people took on the ways of the spirit and the children carried the way of the spirit.The spirit was called Dog Of Night (aka NightDogs) the original spirit was the God of Dogs. The spirit came out at night to warn off enemies and to protect the tribe.The spirit was also known for light sensativity.It hunted food and stood watch like a guard dog.The people named it DOG OF NIGT.Well as time changed the people moved off and the tribe was captured by a bigger tribe.The people of the nightdog spirit kept there ways.They picked up the rituals of hunting, copulating,eating and movement.As slavery came about the ways spread threw from country to family to people.Europe has sightings of these therian werecreatures in their books.Africa has proof of this and so do the Native Americans. Some call us Lycans some call us just freaks. But we dont change our skin we are human.Duh! we just have instincts that are stronger, like smell taste. Some of my friends feel paw like sensations and and extra hair, sensativitey to emotions during moon phases, hunger of certain foods, some times food has no feeling. We become more sexual. We carry the way of the NIGHTDOG. We are normal people just like any one else.We are all colors,races,religions,sexes. We hold normal jobs we live in your communities. We just want to be our selfs.I dont talk about it with certain people because they dont understand about it. If you still want to know more about it email me or join the group. We are a welcomeing society.

Is there other legends than this? "YES" there are some in Europe,Mexico,Canada,America,Africa. I have herd of some research from China but there is another calling of the terms. And Like I said we dont morf out of our skins like the photo above that is just Hollywood talk.

I speak for my self and I speak for the NightDogs,Dogs of night.


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